Sunday, June 30, 2013

Texas Sen. Davis Braces For New Abortion Fight

Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis, who blocked extensive abortion restrictions in her state with an 11-hour filibuster last week, said she expects a different fight this week on the issue.

"They mismanaged the clock terribly last time and they also ran roughshod over a lot of our Senate rules and traditions to try to ram this bill through," Davis told host Bob Schieffer on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday. "But, what they now have to confront is that the eyes of Texas, the eyes of the country, are watching and they are going to be held accountable for the decisions that they make in this process."

Story continues below video.

Meanwhile, Davis said she continues to be taken aback by Texas Gov. Rick Perry's attacks on her after the filibuster.? On Thursday, just two days after, Perry told the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas that Davis, a single mother of two daughters and a graduate of Harvard Law School, that she should "learn from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential."

Perry: Abortion Foe Best Example 'That Every Life Matters'

"It was a terrible personal thing for him to say," Davis said of Perry's insinuation that her own mother chose not to abort her. "I've been in the political arena for some time, and it takes a lot to offend me."

She said even more than for herself, she was 'offended about the statement it makes on behalf of women throughout the state of Texas. I think it showed disregard for the fact we all we each own our own personal history, we make choices and have the opportunity to take chances that present themselves to us. What this is about is making sure that women across the state of Texas have the same opportunity to make those choices and have the same chances that I had."

Perry has announced a second session to pass the measure Monday. If passed, the state will impose laws that forbid abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, as well as shut down most abortion clinics.

Davis says the law would set up a "very dangerous place" for women's reproductive rights and healthcare.

She also accused Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst using the abortion legislation to "step up on the political ladder" by "bullying women and their liberties in the process."

She noted that experts outside the political world, such as the American Obstretics and Gynecology College are saying if the clinics close, "that means of thousands and thousands and thousands of women will no longer have access to this safe reproductive healthcare."

? 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Death toll from west China's violence rises to 35

BEIJING (AP) ? The official death toll rose to 35 Friday from an outburst of violence that included knife attacks on police in a far-western region that has seen frequent clashes between China's Muslim minority Uighurs and the ethnic Han majority.

Initial reports said 27 people were killed Wednesday in a remote town in the Xinjiang region, with state-run media saying that knife-wielding assailants targeted police stations, a government building and a construction site ? all symbols of Han authority and influx in the region.

The updated death toll included some of the severely injured dying in the hospital. It also included 11 assailants shot dead in Lukqun township in Turpan prefecture, the state-run Xinhua News agency said. Two police officers were among the 24 people they killed, Xinhua said.

The reports did not identify the ethnicity of the attackers, nor explain what may have caused the conflict in the Turkic-speaking region, where Uighurs have complained of suppression and discrimination by Han people. The report also said police captured four injured assailants.

The Wednesday violence ? described as a terrorist act by China's state media ? was one of the bloodiest incidents since unrest in the region's capital city of Urumqi killed nearly 200 in 2009.

It was impossible to independently confirm the state-run media accounts. The Global Times said police set up many checkpoints along the 30-kilometer (19-mile) road to Lukqun and dissuaded reporters from traveling there due to safety concerns.

Information is tightly controlled in the region, which the Chinese government regards as highly sensitive and where it has imposed a heavy security presence to quell unrest. However, forces are spread thin across the vast territory and the response from authorities is often slow.

Xinjiang (shihn-jeeahng) is home to a large population of minority Muslim Uighurs (WEE'-gurs) in a region that borders Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan and has been the scene of numerous violent acts in recent years, including the riots in the capital four years ago.

Critics have attributed the violence, including Wednesday's deadly clashes, to Beijing's oppressive and discriminatory ethnicity policies. Many Uighurs complain that Beijing imposes tight restrictions on their religious and cultural life, barring children and women from attending mosques and discouraging fasting during the Muslim month of Ramadan, which starts this year in early July.

The Chinese government says all ethnic groups are treated equally and that the violence is terrorism with no connection to religion or ethnicity. It points to billions of dollars it has invested in modernizing Xinjiang, a strategically vital region with significant oil and gas deposits.

Beijing often accuses overseas Uighur activists of orchestrating violence and obscure militant groups sometimes take responsibility, with little or no evidence to prove claims on either side.


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Why Going To College Is A Valuable Investment In 1 Chart

It?s rough out there for recent college grads -- but that doesn?t make pursuing a degree a bad idea.

The jobless rate for Americans overall, which includes those with and without a college degree, is higher than for those with at least a bachelor's, according to a report released Thursday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. When you break out those with higher education from the general worker population, the benefit becomes clear, as this chart from the bank illustrates:

fed chart unemployment

Adding to the chart, a recent study by The Hamilton Project found that the gap in employment and earnings between college graduates and those without a degree is growing -- meaning college is becoming more important, not less.

This fact is often overlooked in discussions of the plight of recent college graduates, many of whom are underemployed, according to various studies. A recent study from McKinsey noted that a newly-minted college graduate takes a job they feel overqualified for every five minutes in America.

Many are questioning the value of a degree because it's become so costly to get one. And Congress may be making it worse. The Senate failed to pass a deal Thursday to prevent interest rates from doubling on many government-backed college loans. The result: About 7 million students could see their borrowing costs double next week.

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Obama tells leaders to follow Mandela's example

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? President Barack Obama encouraged leaders in Africa and around the world Saturday to follow former South African President Nelson Mandela's example of country before self, as the U.S. president prepared to pay personal respects to relatives who have been gathered around the critically ill anti-apartheid icon.

"We as leaders occupy these spaces temporarily and we don't get so deluded that we think the fate of our country doesn't depend on how long we stay in office," Obama said.

Obama spoke at a news conference with South African President Jacob Zuma in the midst of a weeklong tour of the continent that also included stops in Senegal and Tanzania. But many other African nations are embroiled in religious, sectarian and other conflicts.

Obama decided to avoid stopping in his father's home nation of Kenya because of international disputes there. The International Criminal Court is prosecuting Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta for crimes against humanity, including murder, deportation, rape, persecution and inhumane acts allegedly committed by his supporters in the violent aftermath of Kenya's 2007 elections.

"The timing was not right for me as the president of the United States to be visiting Kenya when those issues are still being worked on, and hopefully at some point resolved," Obama said. He noted he's visited Kenya several times previously and expects he will as well in the future.

Obama and Zuma appeared at the Union Buildings that house government offices and the site of Mandela's 1994 inauguration as the country's first black president after 27 years behind bars for his activism.

The 94-year-old Mandela has been in a nearby hospital for three weeks after being admitted with a lung infection. Zuma told reporters that Mandela is in critical but stable condition and the whole nation is praying that he will improve.

Obama and his wife visited with some of Mandela's relatives Saturday at the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, part of the former president's foundation. The White House didn't say which relatives were meeting with Obama. In accordance with the family's wishes, Obama doesn't plan to visit with Mandela.

Obama revered Mandela as "one of the greatest people in history," referred to him by his clan name as he praised South Africa's historic integration from white racist rule as a shining beacon for the world.

"The struggle here against apartheid for freedom, Madiba's moral courage, this country's historic transition to a free and democratic nation has been a personal inspiration to me, it has been an inspiration to the world," Obama said.

"The outpouring of love that we've seen in recent days shows that the triumph of Nelson Mandela and this nation speaks to something very deep in the human spirit, the yearning for justice and dignity that transcends boundaries of race and class and faith and country," Obama said. "That's what Nelson Mandela represents, that's what South African at its best represents to the world, and that's what brings me back here."

Zuma told Obama he and Mandela are "bound by history as the first black presidents of your respective countries."

"Thus, you both carry the dreams of millions of people in Africa and in the diaspora who were previously oppressed," Zuma said, reading from a prepared statement.

On other topics, Obama declined to commit to supporting South Africa's bid for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. He said the U.N.'s structure needs to be updated and it would be "odd" for an expanded Security Council not to have African representation.

"How we do that and what fashion is complicated, it's difficult and it involves all kinds of politics," Obama said.

"Everybody wants a seat at the table, but when it comes time to step up and show responsibility, sometimes people want to be free riders," Obama said, adding he wasn't referring to South Africa specifically.

Zuma responded that he wishes the process of change at the U.N. would speed up.

Obama also said he wants to boost trade with Africa and plans to renegotiate an African trade pact to improve it for American businesses. He said he welcomes competition from other nations who have been aggressive in pursuing commercial opportunities in Africa, including China.

"I don't feel threatened by it. I think it's a good thing," he said. He added: "Our only advice is make sure it's a good deal for Africa." He said that includes making sure foreign investment employs Africans and doesn't tolerate corruption or take its natural resources without compensation for Africans.

Obama also is paying tribute to South Africa's fight against apartheid by visiting the Soweto area Saturday afternoon for a town hall with students at the University of Johannesburg. At least 176 young people were killed in Soweto township 27 years ago this month during a youth protest against the apartheid regime's ban against teaching local Bantu languages. The Soweto Uprising catalyzed international support against apartheid, and June is now recognized as Youth Month in South Africa.

The university plans to bestow an honorary law degree on the U.S. president.

Protesters under police watch demonstrated outside the university against Obama's record on surveillance and foreign policy. Demonstrators from a range of trade unions and civil society groups chanted, "Away with intelligence, away," holding posters depicting Obama with an Adolf Hitler moustache.

"People died in Libya. People are still dying in Syria," said 54-year-old Ramasimong Tsokolibane. "In Egypt, in Afghanistan in Pakistan drones are still killing people. So that's why we are calling him a Hitler. He's a killer."

Obama has been trying to inspire the continent's youth to become civically active and part of a new democratically minded generation. Obama hosted young leaders from more than 40 African countries at the White House in 2010 and challenged them to bring change to their countries by standing up for freedom, openness and peaceful disagreement.

Obama wraps up his South Africa stay Sunday, when he plans to give a sweeping speech on U.S.-Africa policy at the University of Cape Town and take his family to Robben Island to tour the prison where Mandela spent 18 of his 27 years behind bars.

Obama has visited the island before, but said it's a particular privilege to bring his daughters back to learn its lessons.


Associated Press Television News reporter Bram Janssen contributed to this report.

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MTV cancels freshman comedy 'Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous'

By Jethro Nededog

LOS ANGELES ( - One and done, MTV's "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous" has been canceled.

"We are huge fans of Bo Burnham and the entire creative and talented team behind ?Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous,' an MTV said in a statement to TheWrap.

"After careful consideration of many factors, we have ultimately decided not to move forward with an additional season of the series. We wish Bo, the cast and the entire production crew the very best."

Comedian and YouTube star Bo Burnham co-created, wrote and starred in the comedy, which explored this generation's desire to just be famous.

It also starred Kari Coleman, Tom Wilson, Cameron Palatas, Caitlin Gerard and Armen Weitzman.

The series premiered to 650,000 total viewers back in May. Since then, the audience has declined to about half that number per episode. MTV will burn off the comedy's final three episodes this week.


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India begins mass cremation of flood victims as hundreds missing

Indian Army / Handout / EPA

Mass cremations of victims were taking place in India's flood-ravaged state of Uttarakhand even as rescue operations to evacuate stranded people entered their last phase. More than 840 people died in flashfloods and landslides in the mountainous state from June 15 to 16.

By Nita Bhalla, Reuters

NEW DELHI ? India began the mass cremation of bodies recovered after devastating floods in the country's northern Himalayan region, government officials said on Thursday, adding that hundreds of people were still missing.

The floods, triggered by heavier than normal and early monsoon rains, have killed at least 822 people and displaced tens of thousands of inhabitants in Uttarakhand state, a popular destination for Hindu pilgrims due to its shrines and temples.

The disaster has been dubbed a "Himalayan tsunami" by the media due to the torrents of water unleashed in the hilly region, which sent mud and boulders crashing down, burying homes, sweeping away buildings, roads and bridges.

Eighteen bodies were cremated on Wednesday in the temple town of Kedarnath ? one of the worst affected areas ? and at least 40 would be cremated on Thursday, said a government doctor in Guptkashi, some 25 miles from Kedarnath.

Media reports said 600 bodies have been recovered from the site of Kedarnath alone, but government officials could not confirm this.

"Three of our doctors are currently in Kedarnath and they are trying to help identify bodies which have been found in the area," said Sunil Kumar Verma, one of a team of nine doctors from the Uttarakhand health department.

Verma said Kedarnath was only accessible by helicopter.

The disposal of corpses is important to eliminate the risk of contaminating the water supply and outbreaks of diseases such as diarrhea and cholera.

An air force spokesman said helicopters had been dropping items such as wood and clarified butter - essential materials for Hindus to conduct their last rites.

Heavy rains over the last three days have hampered rescue operations by the army and air force who have been evacuating survivors marooned in and around the four temple towns of Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri since June 15.

Around 96,500 people have so far been evacuated by land and air, said media reports. Television channels have been broadcasting dramatic pictures of desperate pilgrims scrambling to get aboard helicopters.

Government officials said around 350 people had been reported missing, but added that it was likely that there were many more.

"It's very difficult to know the real figures and the scale of the disaster at the moment as many places are still blocked and we are still struggling to get to all the affected areas," said an official with the National Disaster Management Authority.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

PFT: Olympian Okoye facing tough adjustment

Washington Redskins v Tampa Bay BuccaneersGetty Images

In their zeal to defend the name Redskins against disorganized and scattered opposition that gradually is becoming more organized and less scattered, the NFL team bearing that name has had a tendency to seize in knee-jerk fashion upon anything that supports the position that the name isn?t offensive.

The two primary tactics having entailed citing the various high schools that still use the name (there are fewer all the time) and trumpeting the opinions of Native Americans who have no problem with the name, and who ostensibly would regard as a compliment the greeting, ?What?s up, redskin??

As explained by Dave McKenna in an item published earlier today by Deadspin (yeah, I know that one of the morons who works there recently called me a moron . . . again), a supposed Native American Chief whom the Redskins recently trotted out in support of the name isn?t a Chief, and may not even be a Native American.? But the Redskins, who apparently have chosen to dispense with steps like vetting a guest, put the guy on their in-house web show, described him as a Chief, and had him explain why he supports the name.

And, yes, the guy actually said that Native Americans on the ?reservation? actually great each other with, ?Hey, what?s up, redskin??

Complicating matters for the league is that Commissioner Roger Goodell recently pointed to the same non-Chief-possibly-non-Native-American in a letter to member of Congress defending the ongoing use of the name Redskins.

The full item is worth a read, even though it?s a little lengthy.? Also, it probably should include a disclaimer that the author once triggered a defamation lawsuit from owner Daniel Snyder, which gives McKenna a natural bias.

But the point has been made.? Yet again, the Redskins end up looking bad while trying to make their name look good.

If nothing else, we now know why they?ve hired Frank Luntz.? Then again, maybe they think he?s a Chief, too.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Russia, U.S. fail to set up Syria peace talks

By Oliver Holmes and Tom Miles

BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) - Talks between the United States and Russia to set up a Syrian peace conference produced no deal on Tuesday, with the powers on either side of the two-year civil war failing to agree when it should be held or who would be invited.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal accused the Syrian government of "genocide" and described the involvement in the conflict of foreign militias backed by Iran as "the most dangerous development".

Washington and Moscow announced plans for the peace conference last month, but their relations have since deteriorated rapidly, as momentum on the battlefield has swung in favor of President Bashar al-Assad.

Washington decided this month to provide military aid to the rebels fighting Assad, while Moscow refused to drop its support for the Syrian leader it has continued to arm.

After five hours of talks in Geneva sponsored by the United Nations, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said there was still no agreement over whether Assad's ally Iran should be allowed to attend the conference, or who would represent the Syrian opposition.

The United States and Western European powers have joined Arab countries and Turkey in supporting the mainly Sunni Muslim rebels. Russia and Iran support Assad, who has made gains in recent weeks with the help of thousands of fighters from the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shi'ite militia Hezbollah.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet next week, and further talks on the conference are expected to follow, a U.N. statement said.

In Damascus, Assad's forces fired mortars and shells at Zamalka and Irbin, just east of the government-held city centre, in an assault backed by air strikes, opposition activists said.

Rebels who grabbed footholds in Damascus nearly a year ago say they now face an advancing Syrian military buoyed by support from Hezbollah.

If the insurgents are driven from the capital's eastern suburbs, they would lose supply routes and suffer a heavy blow in their drive to end four decades of Assad family rule.

In Jeddah, Prince Saud repeated Saudi Arabia's call for the rebels to be armed. "Syria is facing a double-edged attack. It is facing genocide by the government and an invasion from outside the government," he told a news conference with Kerry. "(It) is facing a massive flow of weapons to aid and abet that invasion and that genocide. This must end."

The Saudi foreign minister attacked Iranian involvement. "The most dangerous development is the foreign participation, represented by Hezbollah and other militias supported by the forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard," he said.

Saudi Arabia, a Sunni state which views Shi'ite Iran as its arch-rival, has increased aid to Syrian rebels in recent months, supplying anti-aircraft missiles among other weapons.

Security in Syria's neighbors Iraq and Lebanon, where the conflict has aggravated Sunni-Shi'ite tensions, has crumbled.

Suicide bombers killed eight people north of Baghdad on Tuesday, a day after 39 people died when 10 car bombs exploded in the capital. Violence has spiraled in Iraq since April.


In Lebanon, clashes between the Lebanese army and gunmen led by an anti-Hezbollah Sunni cleric engulfed the southern port of Sidon on Sunday and Monday. At least 40 people were killed, including 18 soldiers, security sources said.

Sectarian hatred has even flared in Sunni-majority Egypt, where a crowd attacked and killed five Shi'ites on Sunday.

Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N.-Arab League mediator, urged the United States and Russia to help "contain this situation that is getting out of hand, not only in Syria but also in the region".

Speaking in Geneva before the talks with U.S. and Russian officials, Brahimi said he doubted that the Syria peace conference could take place next month, citing disarray among Assad's political opponents.

More than 93,000 people have been killed in Syria since peaceful protests erupted in March 2011. Assad's violent response helped to provoke what is now a civil war that has driven nearly 1.7 million refugees into neighbouring countries.

Outgunned rebels are looking to Western and Arab nations to help them to reverse Assad's gains. But although the United States announced unspecified military aid this month, it is unclear whether this can shift the balance against the Syrian leader and his allies.

Kerry wants to ensure aid to the rebels is properly coordinated, partly out of concern that weapons could end up in the hands of Islamist militants who are prominent in their ranks. "Our goal is very clear, we cannot let this be a wider war, we cannot let this contribute to more bloodshed and prolongation of the agony of the people of Syria," he said.

(Additional reporting by Mahmoud Habboush in Dubai and Lesley Wroughton in Jeddah; Writing by Alistair Lyon and Peter Graff, editing by David Stamp)


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Noel, Len atop an NBA draft full of questions

NEW YORK (AP) ? Nerlens Noel is coming off a major knee injury. Alex Len is in a walking boot.

One of them could be the No. 1 pick Thursday in an NBA draft that appears short on stardom, and neither looks ready to get his career off to a running start.

"This draft is really unpredictable, a lot of guys with injuries and you don't have any, like, LeBron James," Len said Wednesday. "So it's going to be interesting."

Ten years after James climbed on stage to start a draft that goes down as one of the best in recent memory, the No. 1 pick again belongs to Cleveland.

The Cavaliers won't find anyone who can play like James on the court ? if they keep the pick ? and even the climbing the stage part will be a challenge for the big men who opened their college seasons against each other and are competing again now.

Noel tore the ACL in his left knee on Feb. 12, ending his lone season at Kentucky. The 6-foot-11 freshman led the nation in shot blocking and his conference in rebounding, but hasn't been able to show the Cavaliers if his offensive game has grown.

The only basketball work he did during his visit to Cleveland was shooting some free throws. Perhaps the pants he wore with his sports jacket and orange tie were just too tight, but Noel was walking gingerly as he exited a hotel ballroom after meeting with the media Wednesday.

"I wanted to do more. Unfortunately I got hurt, but I mean I definitely felt right before I got injured I was really coming along as a player and just really coming into my own during that part of the season," Noel said. "But like I said, unfortunately I got hurt, so I wasn't able to show as much as I wanted to."

Nor has Len, but that hasn't stopped the 7-1 center from the Ukraine who spent two seasons at Maryland from climbing into the mix at No. 1. His left foot started bothering him around February, and he found out after the season that it was a stress fracture.

He was aware he was projected as a top-10 pick before the draft combine, but may go much higher even though his visits to teams have consisted of nothing more than interviews. He no longer needs crutches but will be in the boot for perhaps two more weeks.

So, with all these injury questions, what about playing it safe and picking a healthy guy?

"I mean, probably a lot of people wish it could be that easy," Kansas guard Ben McLemore said. "But it's a process for the teams, they've got to see what's available and what they really need. And like I said, this draft is up in the air and nobody knows what's going to happen, who's going to get drafted in which order."

Orlando has the No. 2 pick, followed by Washington, Charlotte and Phoenix.

McLemore, Indiana's Victor Oladipo, Georgetown forward Otto Porter and national player of the year Trey Burke of Michigan are among the other players who will hear their names called early at Barclays Center by NBA Commissioner David Stern in his final draft.

It's a class that won't draw any comparisons to the one that James led, which featured future Miami Heat teammates Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh, along with NBA scoring champion Carmelo Anthony among the first five picks.

Brooklyn Nets general manager Billy King said a number of teams are trying to trade out of the draft and acquire extra picks for next year, which is expected to be a stronger class. But he doesn't know if there will be enough teams interested in being trade partners to get those deals done.

"There are good players in this draft, but right now, there are not impact players. What I mean by that is that there's no one you look at in this draft that within two years will be an All-Star, say like Kyrie Irving was, players like that," said Minnesota Timberwolves president Flip Saunders, referring to the guard Cleveland took with the No. 1 pick in 2011.

"And so in order for you to move up and dilute your talent pool and your roster, you've got to get an impact-type player, and I just don't believe ... there's good players, probably pretty good players in this league, but are they going to be that impact player who's going to be an All-Star or future Hall of Famer? That's what you don't see. And sometimes that's something you don't see for two or three years in a row."

McLemore has in some ways been hurt by healthy, since by being able to work out he's given teams something to nitpick. Noel and Len have been largely free of criticism while sitting on the sideline.

Instead, Len is hoping his first impression of the season is one that holds up, when he had a career-high 23 points, 12 rebounds and four blocks against Noel in Maryland's loss to Kentucky, right in the building where they will be Thursday.

"I did well against him. So, it's not up to me, it's up to teams," Len said of a team choosing between the two.

Neither player said he knows what the Cavs will do. There has been speculation they are open to dealing the pick, something teams rarely consider in a year with a clear-cut No. 1.

Noel said he had gotten no sense from the Cavs that they had concern about his knee, which could keep him off the court until early in the regular season. And in a draft full of questions, he believes selecting him is the right answer.

"I'm a good teammate, I definitely love to work," Noel said. "I want to get better. I want to be great, I want to reach my potential, be the best player I can be. I definitely do countless hours in the gym and I'm definitely working to get there."


AP Basketball Writer Jon Krawczynski in Minneapolis contributed to this report.


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Paul Feig Talks The Heat


At the recent press day for?The Heat, we landed an exclusive video interview with director?Paul Feig?s (Bridesmaids).? The film stars?Sandra Bullock?as an FBI agent who teams up with a local Boston cop (Melissa McCarthy) in order to bring down a drug lord.? As you can see in the?trailers?and?clips, the film features some excellent chemistry between Bullock and McCarthy, and it?s great to see two women as the leads in a buddy cop comedy.

During the interview, Feig talked about how Hollywood rarely makes a movie with two female leads, how he prefers to keep the theatrical release short but provide an extended/unrated cut on the Blu-ray, who broke the most during filming, how things changed for him after the success of Bridesmaids, whether he will do more TV projects, and how he?s developing a comedy starring a female James Bond.? Hit the jump to watch.? The Heat opens June 28th.

paul-feig-the-heatPaul S. Feig:

  • We talk about how Hollywood rarely makes a movie with two female leads.? Also how rare it is to have two women as the leads in a buddy cop movie.
  • How long was his first cut compared to the theatrical release.? Talks about how he doesn?t like to do long cuts as a release.
  • Will he release an extended cut on Blu-ray.? Talks about how when you put out an unrated edition of a movie that?s the cut which ends up playing everywhere
  • Says he?s including an unrated cut on the Blu-ray
  • Who broke the most during filming
  • How did things change for him after the worldwide success of Bridesmaids
  • After mentioning how much I loved Freaks and Geeks, I ask if he?s considering getting back into TV.? Talks about the different challenges of telling a story as a movie versus television
  • Talks about how he?s developing a comedy starring a female James Bond movie and how he?s exploring casting right now


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hands-on: $99 Android game console OUYA - AfterDawn

Raising over 8 million dollars in funding via Kickstarter, the company called BOXER8 (since renamed to OUYA) has been maufacturing the low-cost ($99) and open home console, and since AfterDawn was a part of the crowd funding, we got the console a bit beforehand. So let's take a look.

OUYA is an Android based gaming console that is packed into a tiny 3-inch cube. Underneath the shiny cover, it is powered by the quad-core 1,7GHz Tegra 3 T33-P-A SoC, and packs 1GB DDR3 SDRAM.

OUYA outputs to a display via HDMI (v1.4), up to full 1080p with stereoscopic 3D support. For connectivity, it sports a USB 2.0 port, and a microUSB port. For network/wireless connectivity, OUYA has a standard Ethernet port, Wi-FI (802.11 b/g/n) and support for Bluetooth 4.0 (which provides controller connectivity).

One controller is bundled with the OUYA, powered by double A batteries. The controller is wireless and uses Bluetooth. You can have four controllers attached to OUYA.

OUYA and controller

Definitely one of the OUYAs strengths is the size of the thing. At three inches it couldn't be much easier to position or even hide if you don't like the look of it.

The connectors are more than enough for most people. The only thing grinding gears might be the lack of an audio output.

The ergonomics of the controller are not the worst in the world but you can definitely see and feel that there hasn't been the kind of an R&D circle the controllers of the big three go through. The triggers in particular may have needed more work. The batteries are placed underneath where you hold the device and opening the controller from the top makes it feel a bit cheap.

There's a touch panel on the top of the controller, which we didn't have much use for -- at least in games. You can use it as a mouse to control the UI though.

The console is not built badly by any means, considering it costs only $99 but the sub-par controller is something that makes one look in the direction of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. Alternative controllers can be used, but only if the games are compatible with them.

User Interface

As mentioned, OUYA runs on Android. The version is 4.1 Jelly Bean, on top of which runs the OUYA's own UI. Unfortunately OUYA hasn't replaced all the views with their own UI and Android does shine through in few situations, like Settings and a couple of dialogues.

Being based on Android is not necessarily a bad thing as it should have extremely well thought out wireless support for Bluetooth and WiFi. Unfortunately during out test run both of them had some issues. First we didn't seem to get the BT controller to connect after which we had difficulties with WiFi connecting. Although the fault might have been between the seat and the console for all we know. Thankfully the console does remember the connections so no need for reconnecting so far.

The UI is certainly not the speediest and sleekest and the latency of the controller seems a bit slow. There are a lot of places where thinking about the little details would have also improved the experience quite a bit.

It just feels too much like using an Android smartphone with not much oomph with a cheap 3rd party controller.


Now this should be the beef though, right? Games. It's a gaming console that's meant to be played. Not offering much anything else out of the box, OUYA is a true gaming console in that sense.

There are currently 173 games for the console -- that's at least what the OUYA website claims. It might be correct and it's plenty if even one in ten is a really good one, preferably a popular title.'

Unfortunately that is not the case. The game experiences you're used with Xbox and PlayStation are nowhere to be found. The games are like the ones on your smartphone, and not even the good ones for your phone. Most of the games tried were sub-par, even in smartphone terms.

The graphics are one thing. Having the processing power of 2012 smartphone, OUYA can't really deliver something unbelievable. But neither does the likes of PS2 or Wii. You can have really good games without the next-gen graphics and everyone knows that.

I might be wrong and only tried the worst of the bunch. And trying the free trials might leave me out some cool extra features.


As revolutionary it wanted to be and as cool as it did sound on Kickstarter, OUYA does not have a future. Not without some impressive titles coming its way. The hardware is too old already, the UI is laggy and the games just aren't there.

You shouldn't be investing your hard earned cash in to this. Invest the hundred dollars to the next-gen Xbox or PlayStation. Or maybe wait for the OUYA 2 coming out next year?

Then again there's one thing you might be interested in. OUYA is really hackable, so you might just want a nicely boxed solution for Raspberry Pi-type of machine to run some default Android software. But that is not for the generic gamer OUYA is after. And there are tons of other solutions for such machines as well.


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White House urges Moscow to expel Snowden to US

Light shines through a cabin window on seat 17A, the empty seat that an Aeroflot official said was booked in the name of former CIA technician Edward Snowden, shortly before Aeroflot flight SU150 takes off from Moscow to Havana, Cuba, Monday, June 24, 2013. Snowden, who has admitted to leaking National Security Agency secrets, was expected to fly from Russia to Cuba and Venezuela en route to possible asylum in Ecuador, but AP reporters on the flight never saw him get on board. (AP Photo/Max Seddon)

Light shines through a cabin window on seat 17A, the empty seat that an Aeroflot official said was booked in the name of former CIA technician Edward Snowden, shortly before Aeroflot flight SU150 takes off from Moscow to Havana, Cuba, Monday, June 24, 2013. Snowden, who has admitted to leaking National Security Agency secrets, was expected to fly from Russia to Cuba and Venezuela en route to possible asylum in Ecuador, but AP reporters on the flight never saw him get on board. (AP Photo/Max Seddon)

President Barack Obama, right, sit across from Steve Case, right, Chairman and CEO, Revolution LLc, and other CEOs, business owners and entrepreneurs during a meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, June 24, 2013, to discuss immigration reform. Obama hosted the meeting to discuss the importance of commonsense immigration reform including the Congressional Budget Office analysis that concludes immigration reform would promote economic growth and reduce the deficit. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

White House press secretary Jay Carney gestures during the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, Monday, June 24, 2013. Carney said the U.S. assumes that Edward Snowden is now in Russia and that the White House now expects Russian authorities to look at all the options available to them to expel Snowden to face charges in the U.S. for releasing secret surveillance information . (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

A TV screen shows a news report of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping U.S. surveillance programs, at a shopping mall in Hong Kong Sunday, June 23, 2013. The former National Security Agency contractor wanted by the United States for revealing two highly classified surveillance programs has been allowed to leave for a "third country" because a U.S. extradition request did not fully comply with Hong Kong law, the territory's government said Sunday. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

Graphic shows key locations in the life and career of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden; 3c x 5 inches; 146 mm x 127 mm;

(AP) ? The U.S. assumes National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden remains in Russia, and officials are working with Moscow in hopes he will be expelled and returned to America to face criminal charges, President Barack Obama's spokesman said Monday. He declared that a decision by Hong Kong not to detain Snowden has "unquestionably" hurt relations between the United States and China.

Snowden left Hong Kong, where he has been in hiding, and flew to Moscow but then apparently did not board a plane bound for Cuba as had been expected. His whereabouts were a mystery. The founder of the WikiLeaks secret-spilling organization, Julian Assange, said he wouldn't go into details about where Snowden was but said he was safe.

Snowden has applied for asylum in Ecuador, Iceland and possibly other countries, Assange said.

Obama, asked if he was confident that Russia would expel Snowden, told reporters: "What we know is that we're following all the appropriate legal channels and working with various other countries to make sure that the rule of law is observed."

Obama's spokesman, Jay Carney, earlier Monday said the U.S. was expecting the Russians "to look at the options available to them to expel Mr. Snowden back to the United States to face justice for the crimes with which he is charged."

"The Chinese have emphasized the importance of building mutual trust," Carney added. "And we think that they have dealt that effort a serious setback. If we cannot count on them to honor their legal extradition obligations, then there is a problem. And that is a point we are making to them very directly."

Snowden has given highly classified documents to The Guardian and The Washington Post newspapers disclosing U.S. surveillance programs that collect vast amounts of phone records and online data in the name of foreign intelligence, often sweeping up information on American citizens. He also told the South China Morning Post that "the NSA does all kinds of things like hack Chinese cellphone companies to steal all of your SMS data."

Snowden still has perhaps more than 200 sensitive documents, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said over the weekend.

He had been in hiding in Hong Kong, a former British colony with a degree of autonomy from mainland China. The United States formally sought Snowden's extradition but was rebuffed by Hong Kong officials who said the U.S. request did not fully comply with their laws. The Justice Department rejected that claim, saying its request met all of the requirements of the extradition treaty between the U.S. and Hong Kong.

Said Carney: "We are just not buying that this was a technical decision by a Hong Kong immigration official. This was a deliberate choice by the government to release a fugitive despite a valid arrest warrant, and that decision unquestionably has a negative impact on the U.S.-China relationship."

The dual lines of diplomacy ? harsh with China, hopeful with the Russians ? came just days after Obama met separately with leaders of both countries in an effort to close gaps on some of the major disputes facing them.

Snowden arrived in Moscow on Sunday, but his whereabouts were thrown into question Monday when a plane took off from Moscow for Cuba with an empty seat booked in his name. The U.S. has revoked his passport.

In Washington, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said it would be "deeply troubling" if Russia or Hong Kong had adequate notice about Snowden's plans to flee to a country that would grant him asylum and still allowed him leave.

"We don't know, specifically, where he may head, or what his intended destination may be," Kerry said, responding to a question during a news conference in New Delhi where he was discussing bilateral issues between the U.S. and India.

U.S. officials pointed to improved cooperation with the Russians in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing and to assistance the U.S. has given Russia on law enforcement cases.

"We continue to hope that the Russians will do the right thing," Kerry told NBC News. "We think it's very important in terms of our relationship. We think it's very important in terms of rule of law. These are important standards. We have returned seven criminals that they requested for extradition from the United States over the last two years. So we really hope that the right choice will be made here."

"We don't know, specifically, where he may head, or what his intended destination may be," Kerry said during a news conference in New Delhi.

Carney said the U.S. was in touch through diplomatic and law enforcement channels with countries through which Snowden might travel or where he might end up.

"The U.S. is advising these governments that Mr. Snowden is wanted on felony charges and as such should not be allowed to proceed in any further international travel, other than is necessary to return him here to the United States," Carney said.

An Aeroflot representative who wouldn't give her name told The Associated Press that Snowden wasn't on flight SU150 to Havana, which was filled with journalists trying to track him down.

In Moscow, security around the aircraft was heavy prior to boarding and guards tried to prevent the scrum of photographers and cameramen from taking pictures of the plane, heightening the speculation that Snowden might have been secretly escorted on board.

After spending a night in Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, Snowden had been expected to fly to Cuba and Venezuela en route to possible asylum in Ecuador.

Some analysts said it was likely that the Russians were questioning Snowden, interested in what he knew about U.S. electronic espionage against Moscow.

"If Russian special services hadn't shown interest in Snowden, they would have been utterly unprofessional," Igor Korotchenko, a former colonel in Russia's top military command turned security analyst, said on state Rossiya 24 television.

The White House's tough response to Hong Kong's decision to let Snowden leave came just two weeks after Obama met with Chinese President Xi Jinping for two days of personal diplomacy in a desert retreat in California.

Carney said that after the U.S. sought Snowden's extradition from Hong Kong, authorities there requested additional information from the U.S.

"The U.S. had been in communication with Hong Kong about these inquiries and we were in the process of responding to the request when we learned that Hong Kong authorities had allowed the fugitive to leave Hong Kong," Carney said.

Ecuador's foreign minister, Ricardo Patino, said his government had received an asylum request, adding Monday that the decision "has to do with freedom of expression and with the security of citizens around the world."

Ecuador has rejected some previous U.S. efforts at cooperation and has been helping Assange avoid prosecution by allowing him to stay at its embassy in London.

But Assange's comments that Snowden had applied in multiple places opened other possibilities of where he might try to go.

WikiLeaks has said it is providing legal help to Snowden at his request and that he was being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from the group.

Icelandic officials have confirmed receiving an informal request for asylum conveyed by WikiLeaks, which has strong links to the tiny North Atlantic nation. But authorities there have insisted that Snowden must be on Icelandic soil before making a formal request.


Associated Press White House Correspondent Julie Pace and Associated Press writers Philip Elliott, Matthew Lee and Frederic J. Frommer in Washington, Lynn Berry and Vladimir Isachenkov and Max Seddon in Moscow, Kevin Chan in Hong Kong and Sylvia Hui in London contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Woods matches worst score in a major

Tiger Woods hits down the 18th hole during the fourth round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Sunday, June 16, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Tiger Woods hits down the 18th hole during the fourth round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Sunday, June 16, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Tiger Woods, right, and caddie Joe LaCava walk to the 10th hole during the fourth round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Sunday, June 16, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Tiger Woods hits down the second hole during the fourth round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Sunday, June 16, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Tiger Woods, right, walks to the 17th green during the fourth round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Sunday, June 16, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Tiger Woods reacts after putting on the eighth green during the fourth round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Sunday, June 16, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

(AP) ? This isn't the kind of record Tiger Woods had in mind at the U.S. Open.

Woods went out-of-bounds on his second tee shot of the final round at Merion and closed with a 4-over 74. That gave him his worst 72-hole score as a pro in the U.S. Open, and it tied for his high score in any major.

"I did a lot of things right," Woods said. "Unfortunately, I did a few things wrong, as well."

Woods finished at 13-over 293.

His previous high score in a U.S. Open was 290 at The Olympic Club in 1998 and Shinnecock Hills in 2004. Woods shot 294 at Oakland Hills in 1996 as an amateur.

Just two days ago, Woods was four shots out of the lead and very much in the hunt to end his five-year drought in the majors. Then, he went 76-74 for his worst weekend in a major championship. Just over two weeks ago, the world's No. 1 player had won three of his last four events on the PGA Tour and was starting to establish his dominance.

But he looked ordinary at Merion.

Starting the final round 10 shots behind, Woods made a birdie putt on the opening hole. Instead of a fist pump, he offered only a mild wave. Whatever hopes he had of at least getting his name on the leaderboard ended quickly. Woods pushed his tee shot to the right on the par-5 second hole, over the trees and out-of-bounds. His next tee shot was close to going out-of-bounds, stopping a few yards away in front of a tree. He wound up with a triple bogey.

It was his only big number of the week, though his 20 bogeys were startling.

"I struggled with the speed all week," Woods said. "These greens are grainy. It's one of the older bent grasses ? creeping bent. I struggled with the speed, especially right around the hole. Putts were breaking a lot more. I gave it a little more break and then it would hang. That's kind of the way it was this week."

The 293 matched his high score at any major, last year at the Masters when he tied for 40th.

Woods did not mention any pain in his left elbow, though he kept that a mystery throughout the week. He was flexing and shaking his left hand on shots out of the rough early in the week, saying only that it was painful. He later revealed that he first hurt it at The Players Championship last month, which he won. But he didn't mention the shot or even which round it happened.

Merion remained a mystery for Woods throughout the week. For the first time since Olympic in 1998 ? the year he was rebuilding his swing ? he failed to break par in any of the four rounds at a U.S. Open.

"It played tricky. The rough was up," Woods said. "They were raking the rough up every morning into the grain, and the pins were really tough."

Woods plays again in two weeks at the AT&T National at Congressional, where he is the defending champion. His next major is the British Open at Muirfield, where in 2002 he was going for the calendar Grand Slam until he got caught in a vicious weather pattern of a cold, sideways rain and shot 81 to fall from contention. The final major of the year is at Oak Hill for the PGA Championship, where 10 years ago Woods never shot better than 72 and wound up at 12-over 292.

"There's always a lesson to be learned in every tournament, whether you win or lose," Woods said. "I'll look back at the things I did right and the things I did wrong."

Associated Press


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Ed Hardy: Jon Gosselin 'tanked' my brand

Pop culture

5 hours ago

Jon Gosselin at a Virgin America party in Los Angeles in April 2012, sans Ed Hardy shirt.

Michael Buckner / Getty Images file

Jon Gosselin at a Virgin America party in Los Angeles in April 2012, sans Ed Hardy shirt.

Having a celebrity wear your clothing brand is usually good for business -- get your dress on Kate Middleton, for instance, and you can pretty much expect sales to shoot through the roof. But if your brand is sported by a less-liked celebrity, it can turn into a brand catastrophe.

Just ask Ed Hardy, who said having reality personality Jon Gosselin photographed in his clothing led to the brand's demise.

?That Jon Gosselin thing was the nail in the coffin,? the tattoo artist told the New York Post. ?That?s what tanked it. Macy?s used to have a huge window display with Ed Hardy, and it filtered down and that?s why Macy?s dropped the brand.?

Gosselin was frequently snapped by the paparazzi wearing the tattoo-inspired clothing brand during a 2009 yachting trip to Cannes. Sure, bonafide celebs such as Madonna had also publicly sported Hardy's clothing, but that apparently wasn't enough to combat the negative association brought on by the star of "Jon & Kate Plus 8."

However, Hardy doesn't blame only Gosselin for sinking his clothing empire. He also points the finger at Christian Audigier, the French fashion designer who was responsible for getting Hardy's ink-inspired artwork onto clothing and other products.

?Christian worships celebrities so much, he will get next to anyone who is famous for anything,? Hardy told the Post. ?If he could have gotten Charles Manson in a shirt, he would have.?


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Monday, June 17, 2013

How Britain spies on friends and rivals alike

(AP) ? Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden's leaks to the Guardian newspaper have thrown back the curtain on the world of diplomatic espionage, revealing ? in explicit detail ? how British spies monitor enemies and allies alike. So what does GCHQ, Britain's eavesdropping agency, actually do? And how does it do it? And is any of this really all that surprising?

?GCHQ targets phone calls, emails, and more

Documents quoted by the Guardian newspaper showed that GCHQ engaged in an aggressive espionage campaign against foreign diplomats, attacking their phones, their emails, and even satellite communications in a bid to give senior British leaders a real-time account of who was saying what to whom. For the first time, the newspaper aired evidence that Britain launched cyberattacks against foreign diplomats, using malicious software to steal passwords, eavesdrop on emails, and apparently even hack smartphones. The Guardian said that during the 2009 G-20 summit in London information was being gathered so quickly that a team of 45 analysts monitored the interplay of delegates' phone calls live on a 15 square meter (18 square yard) video wall of GCHQ's operations center.

?GCHQ targets enemies and allies alike

It seems logical to spy on the Russians, whose relations with Britain have long been rocky. But the Guardian says Britain also targeted South Africa and Turkey. The paper quoted one leaked document as saying that, with respect to Turkey, the analysts' "reporting requirements" were to ascertain Ankara's attitudes toward financial regulation and reform, as well as Turkish "willingness (or not) to co-operate with the rest of the G20 nations."

Why not just ask?

"No allies have 100 percent unity. There are always disputes, differences of opinion, and emphases," said William Keylor, a professor of history and international relations at Boston University. He said that knowing the mind of your negotiating partner can help you better tailor your offers or prompt you to drive a harder bargain.

Or, as his Boston University colleague Joseph Wippl put it in an email, "If you know through intelligence the bottom line of the negotiating position of your adversary, you will get a better deal ? on Syria, or your car."

?None of this should come as any surprise

Spying on diplomats is as old as diplomacy itself, and the specter of electronic surveillance has hung over international meetings for the better part of the past century. In 1945, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin received daily digests of Americans' conversations from bugged meeting rooms at the Yalta Conference. Rhodesian leader Ian Smith insisted on huddling with his advisers in the women's toilets when he visited London in 1965 because he was convinced that was the one place British spies would not have dared to install listening devices, according to an account published in Richard J. Aldrich's book, "GCHQ."

Keylor said that at a 1974 arms control summit in Vladivostok, U.S. President Gerald Ford led his shivering delegation into sub-zero temperatures outside to discuss their negotiating strategy out of range of Soviet microphones.

More recently, U.S. spies are alleged to have targeted U.N. Security Council delegates in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Aldrich said in a telephone interview that it was no surprise that spooks spy on diplomats, although he was quick to add that when such spying comes to light, "it really, really annoys the intelligence agencies ? and it really, really, really annoys the countries that are targets."

Associated Press


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U.S. Government Denies Reports That NSA Listens To Domestic ...

Yesterday, a CNET story that alleged that the NSA disclosed during a secret Capital Hill briefing that its analysts can listen to domestic phone calls ?simply based on an analyst deciding that,? got a lot of play in the tech and political blogosphere. Today, however, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a statement that denounces this story as ?incorrect.?

The CNET story was based on a comment by Rep. Jerrold Nadler who, according to the reporter, was told by the NSA that ? the contents of a phone call could be accessed ?simply based on an analyst deciding that.?? If true, the idea that an analyst?s hunch was sufficient to listen to domestic phone conversations would have been quite a bombshell.

According to ODNI, ?the statement that a single analyst can eavesdrop on domestic communications without proper legal authorization is incorrect and was not briefed to Congress.? ODNI states that members of Congress were only briefed about the implementations of Section 702?of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which ? targets foreigners located overseas for a valid foreign intelligence purpose.?

As ODNI stated before, this regulation can?t be used to target Americans. As many pundits have noted, however, the scope of these programs makes it likely that domestic calls and other communications will get caught up in the dragnet, too. The government also just needs a 51% confidence that the target of the surveillance is not American or a legal citizen.

Previously, the U.S.?s Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, also argued that the recent revelations around the NSA?s PRISM program contained ?numerous inaccuracies? and that PRISM couldn?t be used to mine data and ??intentionally target any U.S. citizen, or any other U.S. person.?

Since publishing the original story, CNET changed the headline of its post from???NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants? to ?NSA spying flap extends to contents of U.S. phone calls? and attributed Rep. Nadler as the source of the main quote. The main gist of the story has remained the same.


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Friday, June 7, 2013

Rapid change in China brings significant improvements in health

June 6, 2013 ? China made substantial gains in health over the past two decades, including increases in life expectancy, reductions in child mortality, and declines in infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and lower respiratory infections. But with that success accompanies the growth of non-communicable diseases and risk factors such as tobacco use and high blood pressure, which could overwhelm the health system.

These are some of the findings published June 8 in The Lancet in an analysis by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Peking Union Medical College and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).

The data are drawn from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2010 (GBD 2010), a collaborative project of researchers worldwide led by IHME at the University of Washington. The paper compares China to countries in the G20, underscoring the fast-moving pace of health change in China and how it now looks more like the US, UK, or Australia in some respects. China's rate of premature mortality in 2010, for example, was only slightly higher than in the US and lower than all emerging economies in the G20 when accounting for changes in population age.

Looking back to 1990, China had a health profile very similar to much of the developing world, including countries such as Vietnam or Iraq. The leading causes of health loss in China in 1990 were chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), lower respiratory infections, stroke, congenital anomalies, and neonatal encephalopathy. By 2010, though, the picture had changed in important ways. The main causes of health loss were stroke, ischemic heart disease, COPD, low back pain, and road injury.

Although Chinese women have one of the lowest rates of smoking prevalence in the world, men in China have one of the highest at 52% and exposure to second-hand smoke is as high as 72%.

"Tobacco is one of the top three risk factors in China and deaths attributable to its use have increased by almost 30% since 1990. Aggressive tobacco control measures will be an important public health effort," said Dr. Gonghuan Yang, professor at Peking Union Medical College and a joint lead author of the China GBD paper.

In addition to tobacco use, dietary risks and high blood pressure were the other leading risk factors in China in 2010, followed by ambient air pollution and household air pollution. As the proportion of disease attributable to diet and other individual behaviors increases, non-communicable disease has increased as well.

"Urbanization and aging are two of the driving forces behind the rise of non-communicable disease. The number of deaths from NCDs has grown, along with the rates of diabetes, lung cancer, and ischemic heart disease," said Dr. Yu Wang, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and a joint lead author of the China GBD paper.

Among non-communicable diseases, cancer puts China in a relatively unique position with respect to the high-income countries studied. In 2010, Chinese women had lower rates of premature mortality from breast cancer than all but two of these countries -- including the US, UK, and Japan.

But China has five cancers -- lung, liver, stomach, esophageal, and colorectal -- in the top 15 causes of premature mortality.

Non-communicable diseases are becoming an increasingly important issue in China at the same time as communicable, maternal, and neonatal disorders have declined by 59% and child mortality by almost 80%, down from 1 million child deaths in 1990 to 213,000 in 2010. Deaths from diarrhea and lower respiratory infections in children under 5 declined by more than 90% since 1990.

"Between 1990 and 2010, life expectancy at birth in China increased from 69.3 years to 75.7 years. Behind this improvement is one of most successful stories in reducing child mortality. Over the same period, child mortality rate has been declining at about 6% annually and this improvement has even been sped up in the most recent decade." said Haidong Wang, assistant professor of global health at IHME and one of the authors of the China paper.

China also fares better on certain conditions with a significant impact on young adults in particular, such as drug use disorders and suicide. Globally, there's been a 38% increase in drug use disorders among people aged 20 to 24 between 1990 and 2010 but that figure has declined by 5% in China. With respect to suicide, there's been a steep decline in rates for young women, 75%, and young men, 49%. The disease burden of self-harm dropped only 7% for young women globally in 2010 and it increased for young men in this age group by 18%.

"China has had remarkable accomplishments in reducing deaths and disability from certain communicable diseases. China's success in these areas shows what's possible for other developing countries," said IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray. "Annual assessments of disease burden will allow China to track its progress against other countries and set priorities appropriately."


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