Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ask Joe! Biden to answer questions from the public on guns

Vice President Joe Biden at the 49th Conference on Security Policy in Munich on Feb. 2, 2013. (Michael Dalder/??Vice President Joe Biden will sit down on Thursday for an interview with Field & Stream magazine to discuss the White House?s proposals to fight gun violence. And that outlet is giving readers a, um, shot at proposing questions.

?Do you have a question for the Obama administration about guns? Now's your chance to get it answered!? reads the magazine's call for participants. ?Any question is valid, as long as it pertains to guns.?

Questions are welcome at Only those that come in with a name, address and daytime contact information will be considered.

The interview may be taking place on Valentine?s Day, but don?t expect too much love for the administration on the issue of guns. One of Field & Stream?s self-described "Gun Nut" columnists wondered last Friday whether the photo of President Barack Obama firing a shotgun at Camp David might have been Photoshopped. (Read the whole rant, a broadside at politicians and guns.)

Biden has been Obama's point person on the issue of guns in the aftermath of the slaughter of schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., in December. The president is expected to push a package of proposals?banning assault weapons, limiting ammunition clips to 10 rounds or less, tightening background checks on would-be gun buyers, improving mental health services?in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday.

In late January, Biden described and defended some of those ideas in a Google+ "Fireside Hangout," in which he also prescribed shotguns as the best firearms for home defense.


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